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Nexus Pharma Solutions


re you ���.
� A fresh graduate and looking for jobs in Analytical Chemistry?
� Looking to have hands-on-experience on analytical instruments?
� Struggling with interviews and looking for guidance?
Here is a solution for all these questions.
Please visit

 We are committed to offer a reliable, accurate and well designed training in the analytical chemistry, which would spur your talent and propel you in the right direction.
 Goal is to provide training on various analytical techniques used in Pharmaceutical industries and help fresh graduates to get jobs.
 Training includes theoretical and hands on training in various analytical techniques such as HPLC, GC, LC/MS, GCMS, UV, FID, etc. During the training individuals get to use and learn the operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of analytical instruments.
 Also individuals get to familiarize with various data management software such as Chemstation, Empower, EZChromelite, Chromeleon, etc.
Main focus
1. Introduction in Pharmaceutical industrial environment
2. Organizational Structure
3. Analytical techniques and their applications in pharmaceutical industry
4. Method development
5. Method validation and its importance
6. Regulations and guidelines
7. Documentation (GMP, GLP)
8. Instrumentation and data management software (Hands on)
9. Troubleshooting (instruments and methods)
10. Maintenance (Instruments)
11. Real time analysis
12. Interview guidance

�Build your career by developing your skills�

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