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Business Financial Group


BFG's mission is to provide accounting and tax services to people in Atlanta, who are busy business owners, independent consultants/contractors and employees who would rather concentrate on building their businesses and careers than spend time performing these services for themselves. BFG offers a full roster of financial services to today's generation of tech-savvy entrepreneurs who want streamlined solutions to the nuts-and-bolts tasks every business must face. Whether its incorporating a new business, tax preparation and planning, representation before the IRS, financial reporting, payroll or accounting, BFG has the expertise and commitment to deliver services quickly and inexpensively using online technology. We understand you don't have time to spend in face-to-face meetings, so we use an online portal, document tools, email, online chat, voicemail, and texts for the vast majority of the work, reserving phone calls and virtual meetings for only when they're necessary.

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