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Bruce Hamm


Indian Classical Vocal. Vocal music is the foundation of all Indian music. Taught by Bruce Hamm, this class is for musicians of all levels who want to explore North Indian ragas. We will sing in sargam (Indian do re mi) and tal (rhythmic cycles) and learn traditional compositions in basic ragas. Bruce Hamm is a tied disciple of the great Ustad Ali Akbar Khan. He began his studies of vocal and instrumental music with him in 1974. Since 1981 he has been a teacher at the Ali Akbar College of Music. Bruce is an accomplished sarode player who performs in the US and India. ~ Beginner level class starts at 6:30PM. ~ Intermediate level class start at 7:30PM ~ Fee is $12/class. Location: near Downtown Berkeley Bart.

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City San Francisco Category Dance and Music Schools
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