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Saneyee Purandare Bhattacharjee


About Saneyee:
Saneyee is a Hindustani classical vocalist from Pune. She has been in Orange County - Southern California for the past ten years, where she practiced, performed, and taught Khyal Gayaki. She moved to Sunnyvale in January of 2013. Saneyee bonds well with people of all ages, especially with members of the younger generation. Her communicative style of teaching creates an increasing interest of students in Hindustani music.

We are teaching in Berkeley now.

Detailed Bio:
Saneyee first began her musical education at the age of six with Smt. Prabha Bakshi in Pune. After moving to California as a teenager, she continued learning, first with Smt. Usha Sathe of the Kirana Gharana, and then with Pt. Arun Dravid of the Jaipur Gharana. Since the past two years, she has been learning under the tutelage Smt. Padma Talwalkar, and continues to receive guidance from her. Saneyee has given concerts in northern and southern California, and has performed regularly is MMLA�s Ganeshotsav programs, Sankranti and Diwali programs. Some key concerts include, an �Introduction to Indian classical music� presentation in the Orange County Performing Arts Center, and a Bhaavgeet concert under singer and composer Shridhar Phadke, among others.

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City San Francisco Category Dance and Music Schools
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