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Carnatic Music Vocal Lessons @ Sriranjini School Of Music


Here is an opportunity for you and your children to learn the art of Carnatic Music and become part of a great musical tradition. Sriranjini Magge, a disciple of Nadabrahman Sri. T.V.Gopalakrishnan at Chennai and Ganakalabhushana Sri. R.K.Padmanabha at Bangalore, will be conducting Music classes in Frisco. Sriranjini comes from a family of renowned musicians. She has been teaching Carnatic music for over 13 years and has performed extensively in India and US. Classes are offered to Adults and Children aged 5 & above, across 3 proficiency levels:
1) Beginner level - Nottuswarams, Saralivarisai, Jantivarisai, Dhaatuvarisai, Thaara sthayi, Mandra sthayi, Briga sadaka swarams (Voice culture training), Alankaram, Geetham and Swarajathi
2) Intermediate level - Varnams, Keerthanams and Bhajans in various languages.
3) Advanced level - Manodharma Sangeetham based on assessment, Padams, Javalis and Thillanas

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