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Evve Kuykendall


An Aveda concept salon that offers fashionable haircut and hair style for men and women. Contact Evolve Hair Studio, the best hair salon in McKinney, TX.

Hair is so much of each person�s identity and at Evolve Hair Studio, we want to bring that intimate story to life�with a splash of fun. In an ever-changing beauty industry, Evolve Hair Studio is here to get to know you, your style--respecting the heath and integrity of your hair with only the finest Aveda products--recognizing the trust each guest places in our hands. That phenomenal feeling you get when your hair is healthy & shiny�the hair of your dreams�that isn�t just our job; its�s our mission. Every relationship begins with a conversation and we are excited to start that conversation with you. Your style. Our Talent. Evolve Hair Studio.

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