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AAA Beauty Parlor


Festival session get urself beautiful ..Avail services..
1. Hair cut (Straight line, U shape, Deep U shape, Step cut, Layer cut, Blunt cut many more starts from $10)
2. Facial (Natural ,Normal, Fruit, Gold, Mud many more starts from 10$)
3. Bleach (5$)
4. Waxing (Legs, Hand, Under arm, Back many more starts from 8$)
5. Pedicure (Starts $10)
6. Manicure (Starts 10$)
7. Body massage (Starts 8$)
8. Heena
9. Mahandi on hands and legs (Bridal, Full, Arabic Starts 5$)
10. Make-Up and hair curling for party
11. Threading ( Eyebrow, Chin, Forehead, Side buns, Upper-lips Starts from 2$)

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